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There will be an interface upgrade this evening (January 21). All Ebsco products may not be accessible during this time. Contact us for further advice.
There will be an interface upgrade this evening (January 21). All Ebsco products may not be accessible during this time. Contact us for further advice.
Books: 14 days (20 items max)
Renewals: 5
Journals: 3 days
DVDs: 3 days
Books: 28 days (50 items max)
Renewals: 6
Journals: 3 days
DVDs: 3 days
Distance Undergraduate
Books: 24 days (20 items max)
Renewals: 3
Journals: 3 days
DVDs: 7 days (includes postage time)
Distance Postgraduate
Books: 31 days (50 items max)
Renewals: 6
Journals: 3 days
DVDs: 7 days (includes postage time)
AUT staff
Books: 28 days (50 items max)
Renewals: 12
Journals: 3 days
DVDs: 14 days
Short Loan items
2 hour loan: 2 items only
Short Loan DVDs: 3 hours
Renewals: 1 (unless required by another member)
3 day loan (as marked):
Renewals: 5 (unless required by another member)
As an AUT student or staff member you are eligible to borrow books in person from other ULANZ New Zealand and Australian University Libraries for free. The University of Auckland is not part of this agreement. To become as reciprocal borrower apply directly at the university you wish to borrow from.
If an item you have borrowed is requested by someone else, it will be recalled from you.:
Report a lost AUT ID card to Library staff immediately to avoid the possibility of costs for unauthorised use.