Copyright for teaching

When creating material for teaching purposes you can rely on both educational exceptions and AUT's copyright licences to legally share material with students.

  • Any material for the purposes of examination.
  • Whole or parts of a literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work for use in the classroom (i.e. in a handout or in a PowerPoint), with attribution.
  • Up to 3% or 3 pages, but no more than 50%, (whichever is greater) of a literary, dramatic or musical work to distribute to students either in print or online. (You must wait 14 days to copy another 3% or 3 pages of the same work.)
  • Links to online content.
  • Stream YouTube videos in class or as part of an online video lecture.

The Copyright Licensing New Zealand licence allows you to copy:

  • up to 10% or one chapter of a printed book (whichever is greater),
  • one journal article from a periodical (or more if on the same subject),
  • up to 15 pages from books of short stories and poetry,
  • up to five articles per issue from a local or overseas newspaper (online or hard copy).

Requests for copying from print material must go through Course Resources.

The Screenrights licence allows you to stream radio and television broadcasts in a lecture or classroom.

The OneMusic licence allows you to:

  • play commercial music in class,
  • create music files and share with students on Canvas,
  • play music at free university gatherings or for all university related activities.

Interactive copyright guide

What material are you using?


For more copyright help contact