Library technology

Open source software

The following open source technologies are primarily managed by the Digital Development team in the Library. Our general approach is to prefer open source for the following reasons: more flexible software; responsive community support; increased staff motivation and skill development; retaining investment within the University and Aotearoa.


Te Mātāpuna Library & Learning Services has been running the Koha library management system since November 2021, with implementation, hosting and development support from Catalyst. The current version is 23.05.10. Koha is developed and maintained by a worldwide community of libraries, volunteers and support companies.


Library Search runs on Vufind software. Vufind went live at Te Mātāpuna Library & Learning Services in July 2020, and became the main search interface in November 2020. We currently run a significantly customised instance of Vufind 9.

Data sources:

  • Koha library management system for bibliographic records (books, ebooks, streaming video and audio, etc). Updates happen daily and a full re-index happens weekly.
  • Ebsco Discovery Service API for journal articles, conference papers, reports and the like.
  • Custom Solr index for Library database search.


  • Koha API for user functions (requests and other account features)
  • EDS API as noted above.

VuFind is developed and maintained by Villanova University's Falvey Memorial Library.


The AUT Open Research Repository runs on DSpace software. We currently run version 7.4 of DSpace. The 2 parent communities in the repository are AUT theses and dissertations (postgraduate students) and AUT research outputs (Faculty).

Data Sources:

  • Thesis deposit form for theses and dissertations, using SWORD protocol and custom workflow.
  • Research Elements crosswalks and custom workflow for research outputs.
  • Tuwhera Paper Drop for author's accepted manuscripts.


  • AUT Research Elements (Elements by Digital Science) - DSpace is the storage layer for full text files attached to Elements records.

DSpace is an open source project of Lyrasis, developed and maintained by the DSpace community.

Open Journal Systems

Open Journal Systems is the software used for our open journals hosted on Tuwhera. We currently run version of OJS. Our journals use an in-house theme based on a theme developed by the Finnish Scholarly Journals Online.

OJS is developed by the Public Knowledge Project.

Open Monograph Press

Open Monograph Press is the software used for our open books hosted on Tuwhera. We currently run version of OMP. Our books use an in-house theme based on an OJS theme developed by the Finnish Scholarly Journals Online.

OMP is developed by the Public Knowledge Project.


ShareYourPaper is an open source system designed to simplify the deposit of author accepted manuscript (AAM) versions of academic papers into the university repository. The Library is currently customising the system for AUT use and intends to begin testing in quarter 2 of 2021. ShareYourPaper will help researchers comply with the requirements of the AUT Open Scholarship Policy.

Intended integrations:

  • ShareYourPaper will deposit AAMs directly into the DSpace workflow.

ShareYourPaper is developed by The Open Access Button.

Proprietary software

We also run the following proprietary products.

Springshare products - LibGuides, LibAnswers, LibChat

Library Search releases

See all the changes to Library Search via our monthly releases.


If you have any questions about Library technology please contact the Digital Development (DDT) Team